--- title: "TDAvec vignette" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{TDAvec-vignette} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` The `TDAvec` package provides implementations of several vector summaries of persistence diagrams studied in Topological Data Analysis (TDA). Each is obtained by discretizing the associated summary function computed from a persistence diagram. The summary functions included in this package are 1. _Persistence landscape function_ 2. _Persistence silhouette function_ 3. _Persistent entropy summary function_ 4. _Euler characteristic curve_ 5. _Betti curve_ 6. _Normalized life curve_ 7. _Persistence surface_ 8. _Persistence block_ For improved computational efficiency, all code behind the vector summaries is written in `C++` using the `Rcpp` package. Whenever applicable, when compare our code with existing implementations in terms of accuracy and run-time cost. In this vignette, we illustrate the basic usage of the `TDAvec` package using simple examples. Let's first load the required libraries. ```{r setup} library(TDAvec) library(TDA) # to compute persistence diagrams library(microbenchmark) # to compare computational costs ``` Now, we generate a 2D point cloud of size 100 sampled uniformly from a unit circle with added Gaussian noise: ```{r} N <- 100 # point cloud size set.seed(123) X <- circleUnif(N) + rnorm(2*N,mean = 0,sd = 0.2) # plot the point cloud plot(X,pch = 20,asp = 1) ``` Next, we use the `TDA` package to compute the persistence diagram (PD) using the Vietoris-Rips filtration built on top of the point cloud $X$. ```{r} D <- ripsDiag(X,maxdimension = 1,maxscale = 2)$diagram sum(D[,1]==0) # number of connected components sum(D[,1]==1) # number of loops sum(D[,1]==2) # number of voids ``` In the `ripsDiag()` function, `maxdimension` is the maximum homological dimension of the topological features to be computed (connected components if maxdimension=0; connected components and loops if 1; connected components, loops and voids if 2, etc.) `maxscale` is the maximum value of the scale parameter of the filtration (which we set equal to 2 since the points are sampled from a circle with diameter 2). The persistence diagram $D$ has 100 connected components (the same as the point cloud size), 13 loops (one with long life-span, the rest are short-lived) and 0 voids along with their `birth` and `death` values. To plot the diagram, we can use the `plot()` function. ```{r} plot(D) ``` In the plot, the solid dots and red triangles represent connected components and loops respectively. Let's compute a vector summary of the _persistence landscape_ (PL) for homological dimension $H_0$. ```{r} # sequence of scale values to vectorize the summary function scaleSeq = seq(0,2,length.out=11) # compute the PL vector summary for homological dimension H_0 computePL(D,homDim = 0,scaleSeq,k=1) ``` Here, the vectorization is performed by evaluating the PL function at each element of `scaleSeq` (i.e. $0.0,0.2,0.4,\ldots,2.0$) and arranging the values into a vector. The parameter `k` in `computePL()` is the order of the persistence landscape function (by default $k=1$). To compute an $H_1$ vector summary, set the `homDim` argument equal to 1: ```{r} # compute the PL vectory summary for homological dimension H_1 computePL(D,homDim = 1,scaleSeq,k=1) ``` The `TDA` package also provides an implementation of the persistence landscapes. Below we compare the two implementations in terms of accuracy of results and run-time cost. ```{r} pl1 <- computePL(D,homDim = 0,k=1,scaleSeq) pl2 <- as.vector(landscape(D,dimension = 0,KK = 1, tseq = scaleSeq)) all.equal(pl1,pl2) # -> TRUE (the results are the same) compCost <- microbenchmark( computePL(D,homDim = 0,k=1,scaleSeq), landscape(D,dimension = 0,KK = 1, tseq = scaleSeq), times = 500 ) sm <- summary(compCost) costRatioPL <- sm$mean[2]/sm$mean[1] # ratio of computational time means ``` For homological dimension $H_0$, it took `TDA::landscape()` about `r round(costRatioPL)` times more time than `TDAvec::computePL()`. To discretize all the other univariate summary functions (i.e., _persistence silhouette_, _persistent entropy summary function_, _Euler characteristic curve_, _normalized life curve_ and _Betti curve_), we employ a different vectorization scheme. Instead of evaluating a summary function at increasing scales and arranging the values into a vector, we compute the average values of the summary function between two consecutive scale points using integration. More specifically, if $f$ is a (univariate) summary function and $t_1,t_2,\ldots,t_n$ are increasing scale values, we discretize $f$ as: \begin{equation} \Big(\frac{1}{\Delta t_1}\int_{t_1}^{t_2}f(t)dt,\frac{1}{\Delta t_2}\int_{t_2}^{t_3}f(t)dt,\ldots,\frac{1}{\Delta t_{n-1}}\int_{t_{n-1}}^{t_n}f(t)dt\Big)\in\mathbb{R}^{n-1}, \end{equation} where $\Delta t_k=t_{k+1}-t_k$, $k=1,\ldots,n-1$. For the above five summary functions, the computation of integrals can be done analytically and efficiently implemented. Note that in this case, vector summaries lie in $\mathbb{R}^{n-1}$, where the dimension is one less than the number of scale values. The `TDA::silhouette()` function vectorizes the persistence silhouette function the same way as the `TDA::landscape()` function does. However, `TDA::silhouette()` and `TDAvec::computePS()` provide similar results if a dense grid of scale values is used for vectorization: ```{r} n <- 101 scaleSeq = seq(0,2,length.out=n) ps1 <- computePS(D,homDim = 0, p = 1,scaleSeq) ps2 <- as.vector(silhouette(D,dimension = 0,p = 1,tseq = scaleSeq)) # plot two vector summaries plot(scaleSeq[1:(n-1)]+1/(n-1),ps1, type="l",col="red",xlab="x",ylab="y",lty=1) lines(scaleSeq,ps2,type='l',col='blue',lty=2) legend(1.48, 0.122, legend=c("TDAvec","TDA"), col=c("red","blue"),lty=1:2,cex=0.7) compCost <- microbenchmark( computePS(D,homDim = 0,p = 1,scaleSeq), silhouette(D,dimension = 0,p = 1,tseq = scaleSeq), times = 500 ) sm <- summary(compCost) costRatioPS <- sm$mean[2]/sm$mean[1] print(costRatioPS) ``` The $p$ in `TDAvec::computePS()`and `TDA::silhouette()` is the power of the weights for the silhouette function (by default $p=1$). For the above example, the former was about `r round(costRatioPS)` times faster to than the latter for homological dimension $H_0$. The syntax and usage of the remaining univariate summary functions are very similar. ```{r} # sequence of scale values to vectorize the summary function scaleSeq = seq(0,2,length.out=11) # Persistent Entropy Summary (PES) function # compute PES for homological dimension H0 computePES(D,homDim = 0,scaleSeq) # compute PES for homological dimension H1 computePES(D,homDim = 1,scaleSeq) # Euler Characteristic Curve (ECC) computeECC(D,maxhomDim = 1,scaleSeq) # maxhomDim = maximal homological dimension considered # Vector of Averaged Bettis (VAB) - a vectorization of Betti Curve # compute VAB for homological dimension H0 computeVAB(D,homDim = 0,scaleSeq) # compute VAB for homological dimension H1 computeVAB(D,homDim = 1,scaleSeq) # Normalized Life (NL) Curve # compute NL for homological dimension H0 computeNL(D,homDim = 0,scaleSeq) # compute NL for homological dimension H1 computeNL(D,homDim = 1,scaleSeq) ``` To discretize the _persistence surface_ and _persistence block_, we first need to switch from the birth-death to the birth-persistence coordinates. ```{r} D[,3] <- D[,3] - D[,2] colnames(D)[3] <- "Persistence" ``` The resulting vector summaries are called the _persistence image_ (PI) and the _vectorized of persistence block_ (VPB) respectively. ```{r} # Persistence Image (PI) resB <- 5 # resolution (or grid size) along the birth axis resP <- 5 # resolution (or grid size) along the persistence axis # find min and max persistence values minPH0 <- min(D[D[,1]==0,3]); maxPH0 <- max(D[D[,1]==0,3]) # construct one-dimensional grid of scale values ySeqH0 <- seq(minPH0,maxPH0,length.out=resP+1) # default way of selecting the standard deviation sigma of the Gaussians on top of each point of the diagram sigma <- 0.5*(maxPH0-minPH0)/resP # compute PI for homological dimension H_0 computePI(D,homDim=0,xSeq=NA,ySeqH0,sigma) # Vectorized Persistence Block (VPB) tau <- 0.3 # parameter in [0,1] which controls the size of blocks around each point of the diagram # compute VPB for homological dimension H_0 computeVPB(D,homDim = 0,xSeq=NA,ySeqH0,tau) ``` Since the $H_0$ features all have the birth value of zero in this case, a one-dimensional grid of scale values is used for vectorization. For homological dimension $H_1$, the birth values are not all the same and therefore the vectorization is performed over a two-dimensional grid. For the VPB summary, since the blocks around each point of the persistence diagram have different sizes, we construct the grid with scale values spread out non-uniformly (i.e. the rectangular grid cells have different dimensions). In experiments, this construction of the grid tends to provide better performance over the grid with equal cell sizes. ```{r} # PI # find min & max birth and persistence values minBH1 <- min(D[D[,1]==1,2]); maxBH1 <- max(D[D[,1]==1,2]) minPH1 <- min(D[D[,1]==1,3]); maxPH1 <- max(D[D[,1]==1,3]) xSeqH1 <- seq(minBH1,maxBH1,length.out=resB+1) ySeqH1 <- seq(minPH1,maxPH1,length.out=resP+1) sigma <- 0.5*(maxPH1-minPH1)/resP # compute PI for homological dimension H_1 computePI(D,homDim=1,xSeqH1,ySeqH1,sigma) # VPB xSeqH1 <- unique(quantile(D[D[,1]==1,2],probs = seq(0,1,by=0.2))) ySeqH1 <- unique(quantile(D[D[,1]==1,3],probs = seq(0,1,by=0.2))) tau <- 0.3 # compute VPB for homological dimension H_1 computeVPB(D,homDim = 1,xSeqH1,ySeqH1,tau) ``` As a note, the code for `computePI()` is adopted from the `pers.image()` function (available in the `kernelTDA` package) with minor modifications. For example, `pers.image()` uses a one-dimensional grid for homological dimension $H_0$ regardless of the filtration type. In contrast, `computePI()` uses a one-dimensional grid only if additionally the birth values are the same (which may not be true for some filtrations such as the lower-star filtration). Moreover, `pers.image()` uses a square grid (e.g., 10 by 10) for vectorization, whereas `computePI()` is not limited to such a grid and can compute vector summaries using a rectangular grid (e.g., 10 by 20). #### References 1. Bubenik, P. (2015). Statistical topological data analysis using persistence landscapes. _Journal of Machine Learning Research_, 16(1), 77-102. 2. Chazal, F., Fasy, B. T., Lecci, F., Rinaldo, A., & Wasserman, L. (2014, June). Stochastic convergence of persistence landscapes and silhouettes. In _Proceedings of the thirtieth annual symposium on Computational geometry_ (pp. 474-483). 3. Atienza, N., Gonzalez-Díaz, R., & Soriano-Trigueros, M. (2020). 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